So what does it mean, "sem lenço e sem documento"?
If you translate this word by word, it would mean “going out without a handkerchief or your driver’s license.
That probably would not make sense to any English speaker. You've got understand what is behind this expression. It means going out without any planning, on the spur of the moment. It also has another meaning in the context the song I had used as an example was written. During the sixties, Brazil was under a very repressive military regime and many songs had a political message, a sort of disguised protest. So Caetano cleverly plays with the words, because back then going out without your ID meant you could be arrested randomly, and even be accused of being a “subversive”. Torture was a common way to quiet down the unruly youth…many people were sent to jail, and many others went missing. So if you do want know more about Brazilian culture, an the Portuguese language, please contact me.
Á toa = without plans, care-free
“Estava á toa na vida, o meu amor me chamou, para ver a banda passar cantando coisas de amor” (Chico Buarque)
Music is a great way to learn a language! You can improve your vocabulary, pronunciation, pitch and tone, and all of that having fun! Try to seek classics, such as Bossa Nova, MPB or even older tunes with a slower beat. The goal here is to be able to hear the words, and internalize them as you go. Besides, you can learn about the Brazilian culture and have a “conversation starter” with natives the next time you need one!
Here is the link:
Nada como música para nos ensinar sobre qualquer cultura! Se você quer saber mais sobre a música Americana (sem ser comercializada,diluída), da uma olhada neste site. Também é muito bom ouvir radio para aprender a língua em si. Aprenda Inglês se divertindo!
Qual é a religião mais comum nos EUA? No passado, seria fácil dizer, que a maioria se consideraria Cristão. Mas o mundo está mudando, e vários grupos de imigrantes vieram para os EUA trazendo com eles suas tradições, religiões, e modo de vida. Leia este artigo, bem curto bom para praticar seu conhecimento da língua: